
About Me

I am an introvert; meaning I struggle daily not to be misunderstood by my more outgoing contacts. I don’t make a good first impression. If I attempt to be genial, I come off artificial. On the other hand, if I chill, then I appear arrogant. Either way, I am unsure in new situations. Who knows what will come out of my mouth! How often I wished for a magic air eraser to remove words that were left hanging there. Blogging is transformative. I take awkward thoughts and reconstruct them into elegant phrases. It allows me a concise way of expressing ideas. No faux finishes, no faux pas.

Personal relationships are my Achilles heel. I failed at serial monogamy. My last romantic situation offered frequent opportunities for insightful entries. I hope to inspire the less bold, myself included. I love Meg Ryan movies. In You’ve Got Mail her character, Kathleen Kelly, summed up my life, ‘Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life—well, valuable, but small—and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around?’

Living in a small town, amidst a population who have been here all of their lives, makes me an outsider, which suits me. The natives offer me hours of viewing pleasure. I have lived many places and like Dorothy, I’m still looking for the place to call home.

I invite you to leave gentle comments as I am always quite open to hearing an alternative way of doing something. Anything is possible and everything is negotiable.