I had forgotten about the movie 'Nell'. Jodie Foster is a woman who was raised in the woods with no human contact except her speech-impaired mother. The movie covers a familiar `fish out of water` story unlocking Nell's soul and then taking her into the modern world. I enjoyed the solitude and the tremendous space of green forests.The film builds to a heartrending and passionate, rather unrealistic, courtroom self-defense speech by Nell, in which she calls the principles of modern civilization itself into question.
"You have big things. You know big things. But you don't look into each others eyes. And you're hungry for quietness.'
Ya, right. I'm about to live in the hungry quiet of Ends Of The Earth Texas. Maybe I'll go show my breasts in a pool hall.
I have an acquaintance who is an atheist. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
What is wrong is her choice of entertainment. She likes to 'troll' Christian web pages leaving comments. I assumed trolling was something unpleasant because literature has depicted these creatures as ugly and slow-witted. Urban Dictionary gave me this description:
"the art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue.
Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet. She likes to use the knowledge gained from association with family members who were doctors in theology and divinity for debate, or rather berate. It is an amusement.
We are human beings, intelligent and self-aware, possessing both reason and emotion, with the potential for immense good as well as terrible evil. I am sad about her choice of paths, her rejection of 'myths', has not made her a kinder or gentler person. If she believes religion is harming people on the earth, holding back human advancement, replacing it with bullying is not the way to go.
"I believe in kindness, love, and the human spirit and their ability to overcome challenges and adversity and to create a better world. --The Atheist Creed