
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Clone Wars

"What can I say? I think I just kind of missed the memo about how to fit in in Cincinnati--Bandslam, the movie

I am always thinking about how to earn money from home. How about a line of T-shirts called
Clone Kids? They would each have a catchy saying, come in one color and one-size-fits-all. Almost every teen I have talked to will say that peer pressure is not a big thing. Yet at any high school, kids dress alike and act alike. They have the exact same tastes and talk the exact same way. It's where learning to 'fit in' begins, where the sights and sounds of assimilation are turned up full volume.

Until. I recognized the clonespiracy.

I could not fit in, but I could 'fit out', refurbish what traits kept me from clonetard popularity earlier in life. Dave Rendall, The Freak Factory, says our supposed flaws are actually the key to our greatness. Most people think that they should find and fix their weaknesses. Unfortunately, this just leads to frustration and failure. Your weaknesses are actually the best clue to your strengths. The trick is to see how your 'worst' traits might serve you. Living among a Pollyanna generation, believers of The Secret, I am Chicken Little
, imaging worst case scenarios. But this makes me the queen of contingency planning. I move forward as others wring their hands bemoaning 'What now?' So I will keep that flawed outlook as I am safe, content and worry free. I don't follow the crowd; this is a clone free zone.

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