
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Workplace Zoo

I should get this made as a plaque for her cubicle.

  • Divasaurus (Dinosaur Spectabalisopsis): A hot-blooded animal with a backbone that is highly emotional, charming, energetic, manipulative, seductive, impulsive, erratic, and demanding. Found in all workplaces. 
  • Appearance. Sexually seductive in appearance or behavior. Spends hours preening and primping. Use of bright colors as a means of defense. Often the more vibrant and colorful the animal, the more poisonous it may be. 
  • Care and Feeding. High maintenance. Thrives on constant reassurance, approval, or praise to become warm and active. May shrivel and die if not the center of attention. Low tolerance for the frustration of delayed gratification. 
  • Beware the Bite. Usually has protected status with the boss. Creates more than her share of conflicts. When pushed, there could be poison. Watch your back, your front, your sides, and any other part of your anatomy you value.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post and rejoiced with bitterness. There's a divasaurus in every office. I've had my share of problems with ours.
